Program Comparison Chart

by on November 1, 2024

1.0 – Low to medium frequency, high intensity training generally
2.0 – Higher Frequency Models that sometimes focus on specific bodyparts up to 3 times a week
3.0 – Low Volume and high intensity workouts
* Just because a program may say 6 days, does not mean you have to do all of them, or you can’t take an extra rest day as needed!!

Program Name Type Level Training Days per week Customizable pump days added Program Length in weeks Body Part Frequency Special Focus Type of split Other notes:
Ares 1.0 Advanced 3-6 1-3 12 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Push/Pull/Legs After Week 3, we focus on Chest and Back
The Executioner 1.0 Advanced 4-7 1-3 12 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Intensity Techniques Wave, Intensity is HIGH
Honey Badger
1.0 Advanced 4 -7 1-3 12 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Occlusion Training is introduced
The Unity
Strength Advanced 5 0 9 1-2 Frequency Increases as you go Powerlifting Built with Dave Tate for Serious Strength Athletes
1.0 Advanced 3-6 1-3 8 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Push/Pull/Legs Moderate Volume but High Frequency
Baby Groot
2.0 Beginner 3 NA 12 3 HF (high frequency) Full Body Workouts Where to Start if you have 1 year or less of training
2.0 Intermediate 4 NA 8 2 MF (moderate frequency) Upper/Lower Prepares the Intermidate Lifter for Advanced MD Prorams
The Grandmaster
3.0 Advanced 5 NA 6 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Similar to High Evolutionary, but more intensity
High Evolutionary
3.0 Advanced 5 NA 6 1-2 MF (moderate frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding High Intensity and best feedback for intensity to rest ratio
Odin Force
1.0 Advanced 4-5 NA 6 1-2 High Volume Push/Pull/Legs Increasing Volume Model
3.0 Advanced 6 NA 6 1-2 Low set volume Push/Pull/Legs Very high intensity
Creeping Death II
2.0 Advanced 6 NA 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Push/Pull/Legs Favorite Precontest Program
Gamma Bomb
2.0 Advanced 5 NA 14 1-2 HF (2-6 week blocks) Traditional Bodybuilding Favorite Off Season Program
2.0 Advanced 6 NA 12 1-3 HF (High frequency for lagging parts) Traditional Bodybuilding 4 week HF blocks
Task Master
2.0 Advanced 6 NA 16 1-3 HF Traditional Bodybuilding Arms added as HF block
2.0 Advanced 6 NA 14 1-3 HF Traditional Bodybuilding Back block extended to 6 weeks
2.0 Advanced 5-6 NA 12 1-3 HF Sessions involve more bodyparts Loads of volume for upper body.
Omega Sentinel (Women’s Program)
2.0 Advanced 6 NA 14 1-3 HF Traditional Bodybuilding Focus on creating shape via glutes, shoulders, and lats
28 Days Later
2.0 Advanced 7 NA 4 2 HF Traditional Bodybuilding No rest days – brutal
Arnold Classic 2016
1.0 Advanced 4 1-2 12 2 HF for upper body Traditional Bodybuilding Exact program I followed for Arnold Classic
Team Universe
1.0 Advanced 6 NA 12 2 HF for upper body Traditional Bodybuilding Exact program I followed for Team U winning pro card
Annihilation Wave
1.0 Advanced 4 1-3 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding High Intensity Technique Waving
Omega Beam
1.0 Advanced 4 1-3 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding High Intensity Technique Waving
The Beyonder
1.0 Advanced 4 1-3 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Heavy Torso Emphasis
1.0 Advanced 4 1-3 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Heavy Leg Emphasis
Doomsday 1.0 Advanced 4 1-3 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Volume Ramping
Creeping Death I 1.0 Intermediate 5 NA 12 1 LF (Low frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding Upper Body Emphasis, some HF elements
12 Weeks of Pain and Suffering 1.0 Intermediate 4 0 12 1 LF (Low frequency) Traditional Bodybuilding 1st program I wrote
Program X Strength Intermediate 5 0 12 1-2 MF (Moderate Frequency) Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Speed work emphasis

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Team MountainDog is lead by Mary Meadows, with Cris Edmonds as Lead Coach, Andrew Berry and Zach Trowbridge as participating advisors and contributors, Noah Kline as YouTube and Video Director, and a diverse group of authoritative contributors.

  1. I have a question regarding the Odin force program. How long is it usually. I’ll be coming off a powerlifting program and need to bring up certain body parts

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