E-Book: Adjusting Meal Plans Made Easy

Adjusting Meal Plans Made Simple


  • How to manipulate your macro-nutrients for consistent fat loss
  • The best dietary tweaks to overcome fat loss plateaus
  • Muscle building nutrition tweaks to gain muscle without getting fat

A Killer Resource To Walk You Through “Adjusting Your Meal Plans, Made Simple”If you’ve ever dieted down for a show, tried to put on some muscle, or simply to get yourself in your best shape possible, you know that at some point during the process, your results eventually start to slow.When faced with this situation most people respond one of two ways.They either:

1. Panic and make a bunch of radical changes to their diet.
2. They try to make up for it by ramping up their cardio.

Though both sound good in theory – they actually work against you

The first option is a mistake because it robs you of the opportunity to use a singular technique and swap it out once it’s stalled.

Remember, body recomposition is a long game.

Ideally, it’s a strategic process where one change is implemented, exhausted, then discarded.

When you apply a slew of change at the same time you diminish their effectiveness and your options for impactful modifications leading up to a show or to your “event”.

The second mistake: ramping-up your cardio is also detrimental because it’s based on the assumption that more cardio equates to faster fat loss.

Though there is some truth to the benefits of cardio during contest prep, most people over do it.

Here’s the thing…

If you hit a plateau, freak out and start doing marathon length cardio sessions- it overwhelms your body, forcing it to adapt far too early during the dieting process.

As I said earlier, body recomposition is a long game. If you do too much too early, you are left with nowhere to go during those last critical weeks before your show.

These are just two of the common mistakes people make when dieting down for a show.

If I had time I could rattle off a bunch more…
After speaking to hundreds of personal coaching clients- it’s become painfully obvious that people need a resource to help them overcome the myriad of dietary pitfalls bound to happen when prepping for a show.

This is why we created “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple”

Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple is a quickly read, step-by-step overview for anyone looking to make the most of their diet leading up to show…

We wrote it for two reasons…

To help you avoid and overcome that dreaded fat loss plateau far too many competitors experience and to help you gain muscle.

Here are a few things you’ll discover in this handy resource

The counter-intuitive dietary fix when your body absolutely refuses to shed anymore fat
How to systemically shave calories during a cut to ensure consistent fat loss. Far too many bodybuilders take an extreme approach to dieting during contest prep, vanquishing the progress they had made leading up to the show. We show you exactly what you need to do to whittle away body-fat without eating away at precious lean muscle mass.
The first thing to wean during a diet
How much extra to eat when trying to gain muscle
The exact formula to calculate how much to reduce your macronutrients so you don’t suffer from energy crashes that drain you of your motivation and willpower
A baseline for incorporating cardio into your contest prep. This will ensure you don’t overdo it and send your body into the negative conditioning spiral far too many aspiring bodybuilders fall victim to.
How to structure your workouts so you continue to lose body fat- without doing any cardio whatsoever
When and why to use interval conditioning during contest prep. Most bodybuilders really mess this up and it obvious the minute they step on stage.

…And so much more

The coaches behind “adjusting a meal plan made simple”

John Meadows

Elite bodybuilder, internationally recognized fitness expert and champion producing coach. Over the past decade John’s Meadows articles have appeared in a myriad of fitness publications including: Musclemag, T-nation, EliteFTS, Muscle and Fitness, Planet Muscle, and Men’s Fitness.

Along with appearing in a host of well-known fitness publications John owns and maintains Mountaindogdiet.com, one of the most popular bodybuilding resources on the web while working with a number of high-level bodybuilders to step on stage each year.

Frank Mingst

Lifelong student of Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Strongman training, Frank Mingst is responsible for the Mountaindogdiet.com novice training section.

Frank is a a gifted writer and up-and-coming coach with a knack for taking technical high-level training concepts and boiling them down to easily understood basics.

” I Wouldn’t Attempt Getting Ready For a Show,
Without Consulting With John First”

– Ken Jackson


Contest preparation is hard enough; why not simplify the process with a done-for-you resource?

Over the past couple of decades we’ve have worked with hundreds of bodybuilders, and non-competitors alike, we’ve tried damn near all of the popular diets and through years and trial and error we’ve been able to determine what actually works.

Throughout this process we documented our findings and have condensed them down into an easy-to-follow resource.

Which leads the most pressing question about “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple”…


In past years, our personal clients have paid upwards of $200 an hour to get access to the information contained within this manual. For the first time in, well… forever, we are making the same information available to you at a fraction of the cost.

Now, you will be able to get your hands on “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple” for under $20.00

No, that wasn’t a typo
For less than $20.00 you can get our blueprint to making consistent diet prep progress.

If this information is so vaulable, why are we making it So cheap?

Simple, we’ve made “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple” so affordable because we want to remove all barriers and give you an opportunity to see what we have to offer, see how good our information is and if it suits you…

Upgrade and become part of the Mountain Dog Family!

The way we see it, “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple” is just a small sampling of what is available in our expansive members area. Once you get a taste, you are going to want more.

If you’d like to…

  • Make body recomposition a predicable process
  • Learn to diet down without hitting any nasty road bumps
  • Know with 100% certainty how you will look in the next few months
  • Overcome a current fat loss plateau, and do so without running yourself ragged
  • Get a step-by-step system to look your best when you step onstage

Get Adjusting Meal Plans Made Simple for Only $19.99

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