1-Arm Reverse Pec Deck

by on October 14, 2024

Live exercise review of the 1-arm reverse pec dec. I’ve been seeing people do these and have had multiple clients ask my opinion on them.

So here we go, my initial thoughts and how it feels to my delts.

I will put this disclaimer out there: I don’t have an issue feeling my shoulders during training at all. If you do, this may be an exercise you can apply to your program.

Enjoy my raw feedback on this new exercise for me.

Cris is the Lead Coach for Team MountainDog.

John Meadows nicknamed him “Cris the Insane” over 11 years ago when they started working together. Over 30 programs later and he is still cranking. His understandings of John's philosophies from exercise selection or order, rep ranges, volume, intensity and days of training per week are ingrained in him from the 1,800+ workouts he had done under John's watchful eye.

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