Q&A: November 2021

by on November 22, 2021

Jess: I’ve generally been getting in at least 4 cardio sessions per week at lunch on the treadmill, usually 40-45 minutes, along with usually surfing both days on the weekend. I think in order to progress I either need to figure out a way to get up earlier or do it before bed. Why is late night cardio advantageous? If I’m on the treadmill what pace and incline would you recommend? Heart rate?

Cris: so late night cardio actually helps you lower blood sugar, which means burning more calories while you sleep. In addition, this has always helped me sleep too.

As what to set the treadmill too…..i like 5-10% incline, then just walk at a pace that gets your heart around 130bpm

Larry: Do you have any information on Insulin sensitivity? I am been reading on some of the message boards but getting a lot of mixed info.

Cris: to me the best way to judge this is your pumps in the gym along with how hungry you after a meal. Most will notice if you are following a strict, calorie deficit diet and banging regular cardio that their body’s become very efficient with process nutrients and this is bc their body is running how it was intended.

What this also shows is that when your sensitivity is properly managed you can eat more food and stay leaner.

Side note, IMO the best way to improve this instantly is by HARD training. Ever notice after a brutal Leg or Back session you are ravenous for food?? That’s bc your body is tearing through nutrients for recovery.

Evan: After looking over your offseason diet recommendations, it has led me to rethink some of my food choices specifically grass fed beef and butters, macro’s, and other aspects. If you were to compile a list of foods you thought to be essential on an offseason diet, whether they be proteins, fats, carbs, what would they be?


Protein: grass fed beef, wild salmon, Granite Whey, chicken, turkey breast, lean white fish (low mercury), organic free range eggs

Starchy carbs: oats, jasmine rice, potatoes, Ezekiel bread (toast or muffins), Rice and Grinds

Fibrous carbs: asparagus, kale greens, other greens, broccoli, green beans, spinach

Fruit: blueberries, raspberries, organic strawberries, pineapple, papaya, grapefruit, lemon, banana

Fat: Virgin unrefined coconut oil, red palm oil, grass fed butter, EVOO, almond butter

Trevor: Regarding your diet, I assume some foods are replaceable assuming the macro’s stay the same? Not really a big egg or asparagus guy. I probably should have mentioned this in the allergy box even though I’m not allergic just really don’t like them unless I’m drinking egg whites or for some strange reason ham and eggs.

Cris: for the eggs, replace with: steak, ground beef, salmon, chicken thighs or 93/7 ground turkey. You just want to make sure the macros match as close as possible

For the asparagus: anything green to be honest

Trevor: Can you recommend me that Szechwan sauce brand and any other flavorings you like?

Cris: It’s called San J and it tastes amazing.

Trevor: Drinks are no calories I assume? Any recommendations other than water or just suck it up?

Cris: So as long as you are getting in 4 Liters of water per day of straight water, I’m good with diet soda, a monster, coffee or unsweet tea.

George: I had a quick question to throw in. I see in one of the older “In The Trenches” section that you listed your off-season diet to show the difference in how much cleaner and healthier you eat now compared to then. My question is, I see you wrote 6-8 oz of salmon, or 6-8 oz of grass-fed beef instead of an exact number. Do you weigh out all your food or get a ballpark based on what you see? I know the name of the game is consistency, but should I start being a little more exact with weighing out all the food, or just be consistent with what I’m eating and make changes based off of that?

Cris: To me we will always be precise, JM never gave me a range to eat of anything, so that may have been a special case of “how hungry the guy was” or if they were working on his digestion. Meaning if he got stuffed he cut off the meat at 6oz or if he was still hungry ate all 8.

Jason: I have a real quick only question I will ask on a Friday (haha). How do you feel about taking cruises (4-5 days) from working out. Life, not the gym has been kicking my ass and in turn workouts have been suffering. I worked out Tuesday and was dead from the get go so I took this week off. I have been killing it in the gym since the beginning of the year so I figured I was due for a little time off.

Cris: the number one thing to remember here is listening to your body and tracking your performance. If your pumps are terrible, your mind is not focused and the weights you are lifting are going down its time for a break. I know this may be hard for some, but this step back can prepare you for a giant leap forward.

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