10 Rapid Fire Q & A: HRT | Body Fat | & more

by on February 14, 2020

Today’s I take ten questions that you asked me in the comments. Yes I read EVERY comment so please keep asking as many questions as you can. I am going to start doing rapid fire question and answer videos each week or two. All the questions will be from my YouTube comments. Who knows the next video I might just pick your question.

0:13 Prevent leg injury
2:01 Tendon lengths origins and insertions
3:31 Muscle imbalances
6:03 affordable carbohydrate sources
6:39 how to get body fat checked
8:34 financial advice
11:41 ramp up protein synthesis hrt
13:25 Cortisol blocking
16:08 Is high cortisol my problem
18:11 Do you count incomplete proteins

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