Low Carb Chocolate Mousse

by on July 1, 2019

I was about to send you this killer beetroot soup recipe I made last week and then realized you guys (in the US) are about to enjoy Summer 🙂

This seems more appropriate!

1/2 punnet strawberries
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1/2 small avocado
1 scoop WPI (chocolate, vanilla or cookies and cream works best)
10g sugar free/low sugar dark chocolate (optional)

Add everything except the dark chocolate to a food processor and blend well.
Serve in a glass, and top with dark chocolate shavings.

Nutritional info per serve:
(Makes 1)
Calories: 370
Fat: 19g
Protein: 27g
Carbs: 11g
Fibre: 6.5g

Check out Elissa's E-Books ..

Wheys, Bars and Desserts
Learn how to use your protein supplement to make puddings, cakes, protein bars and more. All recipes are high protein and this eBook provides a mix between lower and higher carbs and fats. https://directionalstrength.com/product/wheys-bars-desserts-ebook/

These recipes are ideal for a bulking, balanced maintenance phase or used as highly nutritious peri-workout meals. MASSive includes recipes for all of your main meals, plus some sweet options. https://directionalstrength.com/product/massive-ebook/

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