Coconut and Pecan Tiramisu

by on December 1, 2017


Ingredients: Sponge
2 heaped tablespoons coconut flour (40g)
1 whole egg

Ingredients: Filling
200g fat free Greek yoghurt
5 small pecans
1 tablespoon (15g) cacao powder
1 serve chocolate WPI
1 x espresso shot

Make the sponge by mixing together the flour, egg and stevia and adding enough water to make a cake batter consistency. Microwave in a rectangular Tupperware container for around 3-4 minutes or until soft and firm. Gently remove and turn over before leaving to cool.

Mix together the yoghurt and stevia, set to one side. Mix the cacao powder and WPI together with enough water to make a thick chocolate sauce and set to one side.

Once the coconut sponge is cooled, slice in half carefully and layer the tiramisu back into the same Tupperware container – coconut sponge, then yoghurt, then chocolate, repeat.

Pour the espresso all over the tiramisu and crumble the pecans on top before refrigerating for 1 hour.

Makes three servings

Nutritional info per serve:
Calories: 305
Fat: 9g
Protein: 30.7g
Carbs: 22g
Fibre: 11g

Check out Elissa's E-Books ..

Wheys, Bars and Desserts
Learn how to use your protein supplement to make puddings, cakes, protein bars and more. All recipes are high protein and this eBook provides a mix between lower and higher carbs and fats.

These recipes are ideal for a bulking, balanced maintenance phase or used as highly nutritious peri-workout meals. MASSive includes recipes for all of your main meals, plus some sweet options.

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