Blueberry Rocky Road Protein Fluff

by on September 1, 2018

Protein fluff is a dessert made with whey or casein powder, which is ridiculously filling and really quite decadent. It’s halfway between soft serve ice cream and pudding.

Considering that you can make a massive bowl of protein fluff for only 200 calories it’s great for anyone in contest prep or on poverty macros.
(I’ve made some comments below with details on how to do this.)
This is not a poverty macro recipe, though. This is the kind of recipe where it’s generally pretty healthy and still quite low calorie, but no expense has been spared on making it taste amazing.

1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 serving of chocolate WPI or casein to equal 30g protein
1 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
2 teaspoons honey
2 teaspoons peanut butter
1 tablespoon shredded coconut

Add the berries and WPI to a high powered blender with about 1/2 a cup of water.
Blend continuously for about 6-8 minutes or until the mixture has quadrupled in size – you’ll get about 4-5 cups worth of fluff.

In a mug or small bowl, mix together the cocoa, honey and peanut butter with a little bit of water to make a thick cookie-dough like mixture.
Pour the fluff into a bowl and then load up the top of it with the chocolate and peanut butter dough, then serve with a tablespoon of coconut on top.

Nutritional info:
380 calories
13g fat
35g protein
27g carbs
5g fibre


For a really low calorie / carb dessert:
You can manipulate the recipe a little bit.
By exchanging the blueberries for a total of 1 cup of strawberries and using a sugar free maple syrup instead of honey will reduce calories to 330 and carbs to 12g
Taking out the coconut will further reduce calories to 280 and the fats to 8g.

Cut out all of the extras and just use WPI and strawberries, and you’ll have a dessert with only 180 calories, 2g fat, 30g protein and 8g carbs.

Check out Elissa's E-Books ..

Wheys, Bars and Desserts
Learn how to use your protein supplement to make puddings, cakes, protein bars and more. All recipes are high protein and this eBook provides a mix between lower and higher carbs and fats.

These recipes are ideal for a bulking, balanced maintenance phase or used as highly nutritious peri-workout meals. MASSive includes recipes for all of your main meals, plus some sweet options.

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