Black Pepper and Chive Omelette with a Coconut and Lime Hollandaise Sauce

by on April 30, 2015

Black Pepper and Chive Omelette with a Coconut and Lime Hollandaise Sauce

NoCheating2Thanks to Elissa Jewell
Jewell Body Sculpting


  • 3 large free range eggs
  • ½ tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons lime juice
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Chives to garnish


Begin making the sauce by placing a heat proof bowl in a water bath in which the water is barely simmering.

Separate two of the eggs and place the yolks into the bowl and whisk briskly for 3 minutes or until the egg yolks are fluffy and twice the size. Add the coconut oil in batches of two, one teaspoon at a time and continue to whisk between each addition. Whisk the sauce for about 7-8 minutes or until the mixture resembles a moderately whipped or thickened cream consistency.

Make your omelette by placing the remaining egg and egg whites into a bowl and whisking with salt, pepper and chives and pouring into a non-stick pan. Flip once before laying on a plate. Work quickly, keeping an eye on the sauce and continuing to whisk it while you’re working on the omelette. Keep it mildly warm but not hot, you do not want the eggs in the sauce to cook or harden.

Finish the sauce by adding the lime juice at the last minute and continuing to whisk briskly. Pour over your omelette roll immediately and serve with chives and more seasoning to taste.

Nutritional Info (per serving):

Prep & Cook Time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 1

Calories: 260
Proteins: 18g
Carbs: 1g
Fat: 20g
Fibre: 0g


Carb free breakfast
Contest prep

Check out Elissa’s MASSive eBook which is a compilation of over 80 recipes from breakfast, lunch and dinner through to desserts.
To buy a copy for just $5, email [email protected].