Are My Workouts for You?? | Rant Time
by Cris Edmonds on April 26, 2024There is so much information out on the internet today about training compared to when I started lifting. And while most would say this is a good thing, sadly not all “advise” is created equal.
In this video I dig into my own training and decipher for you if my sessions you all should be mirroring set for set.
Now all day long watch my form, execution, intensity…….but if you are a beginner or intermediate, these sessions are simply too advanced for your stage of progression.
I’m not telling you to stop watching or applying what I am teaching. But this is an attempt for total transparency. Watch this video, follow the thought process and begin growing today.
There are stages to lifting and for me (almost 40) my body has been through a ton. So if you are in a similar place, great……these workouts fit the bill. If you are under 5 years in the gym, time to grab the heavy dumbbells and barbels and get to pulling.
Cris is the Lead Coach for Team MountainDog.
John Meadows nicknamed him “Cris the Insane” over 11 years ago when they started working together. Over 30 programs later and he is still cranking. His understandings of John's philosophies from exercise selection or order, rep ranges, volume, intensity and days of training per week are ingrained in him from the 1,800+ workouts he had done under John's watchful eye.