Banana, Coconut & Chocolate French Toast
by Elissa Jewell on August 1, 2017Suitable for post workout or as a higher carb, low fat meal.
2 slices low carbohydrate bread
1 large banana, sliced
2 egg whites
1 serving whey protein
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon cacao powder
Whisk the egg whites in a bowl with a little stevia before soaking the bread.
Cook on a very lightly greased or nonstick frypan on both sides until golden.
While cooking, mix together the coconut oil, a little stevia and cacao powder.
Set in the freezer in a plastic container while you finish the toast.
Once the bread has cooked, arrange on a plate. Mix the whey protein with enough water to make a thick, custard like consistency and place on top of the bread before topping with the banana.
Serve with shards of the coconut chocolate.
Nutritional info:
Calories: 420
Fat: 8g
Protein: 40g
Carbs: 43g
Check out Elissa's E-Books ..
Wheys, Bars and Desserts
Learn how to use your protein supplement to make puddings, cakes, protein bars and more. All recipes are high protein and this eBook provides a mix between lower and higher carbs and fats.
These recipes are ideal for a bulking, balanced maintenance phase or used as highly nutritious peri-workout meals. MASSive includes recipes for all of your main meals, plus some sweet options.