Dave Tate’s 9 Simple Tips For a BIG Squat

by on April 19, 2021

Are you looking to get a bigger squat? If so this is the video for you. Today we are back at elite fts and Dave Tate will be flowing us along as we do our 5×5 squat workout. Dave Tate will give us tips as we go to help give us a bigger squat. I know this video will be a huge help for a lot of you so make sure you watch it all. Let me know if you like this and we can possibly make more for deadlifts bench and so on.

Intro) 0:00
Tip1 2:55
Tip2 3:39
Tip3 6:35
Tip4 9:00
Tip5 11:29
Tip6 15:03
Tip7 16:33
Tip8 18:22
Tip9 19:35
Outro 23:02
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