GF: 1 Month Free

by on March 2, 2018

Mountain Dog Diet – Program Special

Thanks for visiting! I hope you are enjoying the site! Are you looking for even more information or help with your fitness goals? We have the Mountain Dog Membership. This membership offers exclusive content that I have built up over the last 5 years.

In the membership site you will get included:

  • Tons of workouts from my Mountain Dog Training programs, many are workouts I do with my IFBB Pros when they come to town, along with videos to show you most exercises (Over a $500 value).
  • Hundreds of articles related to nutrition, training, supplementation, and contest prep (Over 5 year’s worth of content!)
  • My seminar on Mountain Dog Training I did on training and nutrition in Edinburgh with hours of seminar and training footage that is being sold on my site for $19.99 now
  • Dr. Serrano’s SWIS Seminar – Fats What Works and Why; also being sold on my site for $19.99. This is FREE for members!
  • A Q&A Forum where you can directly ask me any questions you want and able to see all other questions I have answered. Typically, I charge several hundred dollars for this feature, one on one, but you get this for FREE with the forum!
  • Exclusive deals on new products and programs I release.

You aren’t able to get this info anywhere else. We are constantly updating the membership every week with fresh new content. With the Mountain Dog Membership, I truly wanted to give everyone a place to go to get all the information they need to help reach their fitness goals, whether you are a teenage kid starting out or an IFBB pro. There is information for everyone of all levels.

Sign up today to get your FREE 30-day trial.

**You can cancel at any time. If you wish to keep the membership, you will be auto-billed monthly.**

Team MountainDog is dedicated to carrying on John's legacy and providing you with valuable information.

Team MountainDog is lead by Mary Meadows, with Cris Edmonds as Lead Coach, Andrew Berry and Zach Trowbridge as participating advisors and contributors, Noah Kline as YouTube and Video Director, and a diverse group of authoritative contributors.